CoXBowan's Public Character List

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Name Level Level % Server Last Seen Verified Badges
Alitere 32 31% Freedom Hero Defender Science 4365 days ago 79 badges
Amazon Shield 32 26% Justice Hero Scrapper Magic 4358 days ago 71 badges
Araelle Queen of War 32 72% Justice Hero Scrapper Science 4362 days ago 0 badges
Arbiter Hellfire 50 100% Justice Villain Mastermind Natural 4357 days ago 123 badges
ArcNexus 50 100% Justice Hero Dominator Technology 4352 days ago 270 badges
Artemis Veil 22 34% Justice Hero Corruptor Magic 4361 days ago 71 badges
Atlantean Prince 32 11% Justice Hero Corruptor Mutation 4358 days ago 78 badges
Atomicas 50 100% Justice Hero Blaster Science 4353 days ago 157 badges
Atomique 30 21% Justice Hero Controller Science 4361 days ago 66 badges
Babysitter from Hell 50 100% Justice Hero Stalker Science 4396 days ago 202 badges
BeanstaIker 36 95% Justice Villain Dominator Magic 4356 days ago 127 badges
BIack Spyder 50 100% Justice Hero Arachnos Widow Natural 4358 days ago 343 badges
BIoodrage 50 100% Justice Hero Blaster Magic 4355 days ago 108 badges
Black Beast of Aarrg 38 32% Justice Villain Corruptor Magic 4357 days ago 140 badges
Blitzrijk 50 100% Freedom Villain Brute Science 4356 days ago 112 badges
Blood Visage 50 100% Freedom Villain Arachnos Widow Natural 4356 days ago 132 badges
Blood-Oath 50 100% Freedom Villain Blaster Magic 4356 days ago 366 badges
Blue BIazes 50 100% Justice Hero Controller Science 4396 days ago 110 badges
Bob the Energy Guy 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Technology 4352 days ago 313 badges
Bowan 50 100% Justice Hero Defender Natural 4352 days ago 238 badges
CriticaI Miss 50 100% Justice Hero Blaster Science 4362 days ago 140 badges
CrucibIe 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Magic 4343 days ago 106 badges
Czeckmate 50 100% Justice Hero Tanker Technology 4358 days ago 144 badges
D' Arkangel 50 100% Freedom Villain Tanker Technology 4356 days ago 318 badges
DiDi Guns 50 100% Justice Hero Mastermind Natural 4358 days ago 221 badges
Echo of Statesman 50 100% Justice Hero Tanker Magic 4343 days ago 112 badges
Echo Sister Psyche 22 49% Justice Hero Dominator Magic 4362 days ago 52 badges
Fifth Avenue Flash 50 100% Justice Hero Tanker Science 4396 days ago 85 badges
Firesparrow 50 100% Freedom Villain Controller Magic 4356 days ago 377 badges
First Warden 50 100% Justice Hero Controller Science 4352 days ago 332 badges
Free RadicaI 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Science 4396 days ago 166 badges
FrostIing 50 100% Justice Hero Corruptor Mutation 4396 days ago 184 badges
Garganas 36 33% Justice Hero Tanker Mutation 4365 days ago 89 badges
General Rushmore 50 100% Justice Hero Tanker Science 4351 days ago 291 badges
HelIion Kingpin 50 100% Justice Villain Corruptor Mutation 4361 days ago 143 badges
Hellslice 22 25% Justice Hero Brute Magic 4361 days ago 68 badges
Hexxuba 22 63% Justice Hero Mastermind Magic 4361 days ago 67 badges
Illusiana 41 27% Justice Hero Controller Magic 4362 days ago 87 badges
Ion Allure 26 80% Freedom Hero Blaster Science 4356 days ago 80 badges
Kid X-treme 50 100% Justice Hero Tanker Science 4352 days ago 246 badges
KiIldare 50 100% Justice Hero Mastermind Magic 4396 days ago 183 badges
Kriegswitwe 50 100% Justice Villain Arachnos Soldier Natural 4361 days ago 135 badges
Kung Pao Su 38 21% Justice Hero Stalker Magic 4357 days ago 81 badges
Laser Angel 22 24% Justice Hero Corruptor Technology 4360 days ago 88 badges
Last Marksman 50 100% Justice Hero Blaster Technology 4355 days ago 1 badges
lon AIIure 27 40% Freedom Hero Blaster Science 4362 days ago 65 badges
Mad Molly Gunn 50 100% Justice Hero Mastermind Natural 4353 days ago 365 badges
Maraude 50 100% Freedom Villain Blaster Technology 4356 days ago 371 badges
Max Overkill 28 10% Justice Hero Tanker Magic 4358 days ago 77 badges
Mental Maggy 50 100% Justice Hero Defender Science 4396 days ago 121 badges
Meriomne Ex Flamis 39 35% Justice Villain Dominator Technology 4361 days ago 99 badges
Minion Nomore 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Science 4396 days ago 171 badges
Mister Freem 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Natural 4396 days ago 170 badges
Mordenkaine 50 100% Justice Hero Controller Magic 4352 days ago 97 badges
Ms. MarveIous 50 100% Justice Hero Blaster Technology 4352 days ago 382 badges
Naughty N'ice 50 100% Freedom Villain Tanker Magic 4356 days ago 292 badges
New Ranger 23 0% Justice Hero Scrapper Mutation 4365 days ago 46 badges
Omega Asset 50 100% Justice Hero Blaster Mutation 4359 days ago 352 badges
Painted Patriot 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Science 4351 days ago 587 badges
Panda Moon 45 43% Justice Hero Tanker Magic 4358 days ago 87 badges
Pikesman 37 9% Justice Hero Scrapper Natural 4356 days ago 71 badges
Power Elle 41 11% Justice Hero Scrapper Science 4358 days ago 74 badges
Psyllon 22 7% Justice Hero Blaster Technology 4363 days ago 51 badges
Q'allade 25 3% Justice Hero Peacebringer Natural 4363 days ago 51 badges
Raqnarok 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Mutation 4396 days ago 145 badges
RoboIord 50 100% Justice Hero Mastermind Technology 4396 days ago 187 badges
Rogue EagIe 32 5% Justice Hero Arachnos Soldier Natural 4358 days ago 184 badges
Rrowr 50 100% Freedom Villain Warshade Science 4356 days ago 260 badges
Shaaman 27 22% Justice Hero Mastermind Magic 4358 days ago 73 badges
Shadoflash 50 100% Justice Villain Brute Mutation 4361 days ago 177 badges
Shadolord 50 100% Justice Hero Defender Mutation 4352 days ago 355 badges
Shahareem 50 100% Freedom Villain Brute Mutation 4396 days ago 146 badges
Shahrazed 50 100% Justice Hero Corruptor Magic 4396 days ago 217 badges
Siberian Storm 32 20% Justice Hero Corruptor Mutation 4365 days ago 59 badges
SiIverwing 50 100% Justice Hero Peacebringer Natural 4353 days ago 192 badges
Silk Spirit 32 3% Justice Hero Scrapper Natural 4358 days ago 71 badges
Starbrat 23 72% Justice Hero Warshade Science 4361 days ago 118 badges
SteeIsong 35 38% Justice Hero Defender Mutation 4365 days ago 91 badges
Steel Yankee 50 100% Justice Hero Tanker Technology 4353 days ago 437 badges
Tomorroman 50 100% Justice Hero Corruptor Science 4355 days ago 115 badges
Toronado 32 21% Justice Hero Controller Mutation 4357 days ago 70 badges
Vegan Avenger 27 99% Justice Hero Controller Science 4358 days ago 78 badges
Vendette 22 7% Justice Hero Stalker Mutation 4362 days ago 53 badges
WAlFE 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Mutation 4352 days ago 136 badges
Wikkid Eve 50 100% Justice Villain Defender Magic 4361 days ago 325 badges
Xaviera PhoeniX 50 100% Justice Hero Brute Magic 4358 days ago 248 badges
Zanballat 22 19% Justice Hero Dominator Magic 4363 days ago 51 badges