Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Justice
- Primary:
- Dark Armor
- Secondary:
- Dual Blades
- Ancillary:
- Energy Mastery
- Influence:
- 788,688,038
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4326 days ago
Player: CoXBowan
Character Bio
Czeckmate is the name given to this physicist and former chessmaster of the Chechen Republic. His experiments in Dark Matter Manipulation made possible the development of many military applications. He did not foresee all the side-effects of the interaction of dark energies upon the human body, or the human mind. As a result of his prolonged contact, he has developed a physiological addiction to the Dark Energy Technologies which cannot be broken short of his death. He believes that, at least his use of the technology for the good of humanity will bring him some modicum of redemption.
Badge Tracking
Czeckmate has collected 144 of 1461 badges.
144 verified badges.
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144 verified badges.
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