Low-Hanging Fruit Report for Coffin Dodger

This report excludes certain badges, such as event-specific (Valentine's Day, Halloween), and Veteran rewards

SetTitle Badge Art Badge Name Badge Type Count
100 Nebula Elite Buckshot Gladiator 19,781
73 Button Man Gunner Gladiator 16,762
82 Fire Thorn Caster Gladiator 13,184
667 Lost Savior Accomplishment 12,122
724 Fare Jumper Day Jobs 11,458
722 Ousted Official Day Jobs 10,044
1526 Spelunker Accomplishment 8,715
725 Price Gouger Day Jobs 8,169
723 Dirty Cop Day Jobs 8,071
359 Hate of the City Exploration 7,804
668 Origin of Power Accomplishment 7,584
752 Free Trade Advocate Accolade 7,409
1603 Isolator Defeats 7,117
1587 Clockstopper Defeats 7,014
1517 Sister Psyche's Betrayer Accomplishment 6,987
749 Corrupt Commissioner Accolade 6,949
727 Wage Slave Day Jobs 6,920
1515 Positron's Betrayer Accomplishment 6,858
63 Abomination Gladiator 6,757
1516 Synapse's Betrayer Accomplishment 6,590
1547 Troll Task Force Member Achievement 6,464
1518 Citadel's Betrayer Accomplishment 6,401
1180 Eye of the Storm Defeats 6,383
750 Security Breach Accolade 6,256
1524 Transmogrified Accomplishment 6,155
1168 Gallant Achievement 6,048
1683 Multidimensional Exploration 6,016
1634 Atlas Shrugged Accolade 6,012
1991 Believer Defeats 5,866
1536 Emancipator Accomplishment 5,810
1172 Heard the Call Achievement 5,727
753 Crackpot Accolade 5,689
1966 Epitome Achievement 5,595
1159 Streetwise Accomplishment 5,578
1978 Cabalist Accomplishment 5,545
360 King's Capriciousness Exploration 5,485
1988 Ten times the Victor Accolade 5,481
848 Heroic Architect Entertainment 5,243
1088 Civic Minded Exploration 5,201
1592 Gravedigger Defeats 5,200
1041 Rule of Three Accomplishment 5,058
1525 Negotiator Accomplishment 5,004
1989 Giant Killer Defeats 4,998
1995 Spellbinding Defeats 4,978
726 Dimensional Plunderer Day Jobs 4,939
1967 Paradigm Achievement 4,891
1993 Pumpkin Master Defeats 4,876
1534 The Doctor's Ally Accomplishment 4,866
388 Big Softie Accomplishment 4,826
1973 Alien Fighter Accomplishment 4,813