Hero Badge Details
Positron's Ally
Verbündeter von Positron/Verbündete von Positron
Allié de Positron/Alliée de Positron
Badge Text: | Positron has awarded you this medal in recognition of services performed for him. Positron hat dir diese Medaille verliehen, um die Dienste zu würdigen, die du für ihn geleistet hast. Positron vous a remis cette médaille en reconnaissance des services que vous lui avez rendus. |
Requirements: |
Currently: Complete both parts of the Positron Task Force, earning both badges. Before Issue 17: Complete the old Positron's Task Force. N/A N/A |
Tip: | Characters who had the badge before the Issue 17 revamp were allowed to keep the badge, without the prerequisites. Because of this, the new children badges (Rule of Three and Dam Hero) have not been added to the system flagged as such. N/A N/A |
Category: | Accomplishment (Task Force) |
Issue: | 2 |
SetTitle #: | 1515 |
External: | Positron's Ally on ParagonWiki |
Required for: (Show)
Prerequisites: (Show)
Villain Badge Details
Positron's Betrayer
Verräter von Positron/Verräterin von Positron
Traître de Positron/Traîtresse de Positron
Badge Text: | Positron himself once awarded this medal to you. Nowadays he'd probably arrest you. Einst wurde dir diese Medaille von Positron selbst verliehen. Heutzutage würde er dich wohl eher festnehmen. Positron vous a autrefois remis cette médaille. Aujourd'hui, il vous mettrait certainement derrière les barreaux. |
Requirements: | N/A N/A N/A |
Tip: | N/A N/A N/A |
Category: | Accomplishment (Task Force) |
Issue: | 18 |
SetTitle #: | 1515 |
External: | Positron's Betrayer on ParagonWiki |