Forces of Apocalypse, Pinnacle Server

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7 characters being tracked
Name Level Level % Server Last Seen Verified Badges Pilot
Contessa of Famine 50 n/a Pinnacle Villain Dominator Magic 4724 days ago 13 badges Mr. E
Main Villain Joe Cabbot 50 n/a Pinnacle Villain Mastermind Science 4412 days ago 10 badges Mr. E
Little Dry Spell 26 n/a Pinnacle Villain Brute Technology 4992 days ago 0 badges Mr. E
Mind Blossom 3 n/a Pinnacle Villain Dominator Mutation 5243 days ago 0 badges Mr. E
Paper Cutz 50 n/a Pinnacle Villain Brute Natural 4410 days ago 16 badges Mr. E
Sergeant Sound 1 n/a Pinnacle Villain Corruptor Technology 5397 days ago 0 badges Mr. E
Siberian Sentinel 50 n/a Pinnacle Villain Corruptor Science 4723 days ago 6 badges Mr. E