Low-Hanging Fruit Report for Unleashed Entity G.

This report excludes certain badges, such as event-specific (Valentine's Day, Halloween), and Veteran rewards

SetTitle Badge Art Badge Name Badge Type Count
1704 Hero Corps Recruit Exploration 13,025
998 Last Line of Defense Exploration 10,233
131 Wolf Spider Enforcer Gladiator 10,059
1706 Bright Star Exploration 9,594
403 Trucker Exploration 9,378
175 The Next Big Thing Exploration 8,923
1647 Undefeated Exploration 8,876
1710 Minotaur Exploration 8,798
122 Wolf Spider Tac Ops Gladiator 8,681
1648 Silent Sentinel Exploration 8,612
1688 Upgraded Exploration 8,611
1703 Secret Admirer Exploration 8,375
1690 Keen Sighted Exploration 8,128
983 Controversial Exploration 8,118
1687 Summoned Exploration 8,086
56 The Mongoose Defeats 8,052
1705 Nimble Mynx Exploration 8,042
1691 Smokey Exploration 7,984
1675 Brawler Exploration 7,943
1689 Mystic King Exploration 7,809
214 Red Cap Gladiator 7,716
1676 Tank Exploration 7,621
1582 Paragon Achievement 7,526
870 Extractor Architect Entertainment 7,495
1702 Healing Node Exploration 7,444
967 Edge of Chaos Exploration 7,381
1673 Bird Watcher Exploration 7,209
1677 Land Locked Exploration 7,133
1674 Blue Shield Exploration 7,119
1603 Isolator Defeats 7,117
102 Night Widow Gladiator 7,001
395 Big Time Exploration 6,964
1686 Vigorous Exploration 6,904
1699 Purifier Exploration 6,856
1693 Territorial Exploration 6,832
1695 Around the Bendis Exploration 6,774
1697 Justice Avenger Exploration 6,710
978 Wentworth History Buff Exploration 6,689
1694 Avatar Exploration 6,532
176 Widower Exploration 6,441
1965 Role Model Achievement 6,415
1669 Faultless Mystic Exploration 6,392
1180 Eye of the Storm Defeats 6,383
1701 Dauntless Exploration 6,371
1696 Doc Whedon Exploration 6,261
1700 Solace Exploration 6,208
1668 Newsman Exploration 6,143
112 Research Assistant Gladiator 6,130
1684 Crey Havoc Exploration 6,123
1712 Whitecap Exploration 6,109