Low-Hanging Fruit Report for Ming-Jeeta

This report excludes certain badges, such as event-specific (Valentine's Day, Halloween), and Veteran rewards

SetTitle Badge Art Badge Name Badge Type Count
667 Lost Savior Accomplishment 12,122
1687 Summoned Exploration 8,086
1691 Smokey Exploration 7,984
359 Heart of the City Exploration 7,804
1570 Entangled Achievement 7,223
1603 Isolator Defeats 7,117
500 Unabashed Exploration 6,587
1547 Troll Task Force Member Achievement 6,464
1180 Eye of the Storm Defeats 6,383
1524 Transmogrified Accomplishment 6,155
1655 Regal Exploration 5,881
1991 Believer Defeats 5,866
1536 Emancipator Accomplishment 5,810
1969 Grim Wanderer Exploration 5,726
1943 Volunteer Firefighter Defeats 5,663
245 Global Guardian Exploration 5,616
202 Jail Bird Exploration 5,580
1978 Cabalist Accomplishment 5,545
880 Destructive Architect Entertainment 5,543
1971 Ensorcelled Exploration 5,542
360 King's Righteousness Exploration 5,485
1988 Ten times the Victor Accolade 5,481
1970 Spiritual Exploration 5,367
1679 Seeker of Monsters Exploration 5,297
980 Man of Vengeance Exploration 5,230
1088 Civic Minded Exploration 5,201
1592 Gravedigger Defeats 5,200
1682 Gangland Fury Exploration 5,154
1766 Hydra Stomper Accomplishment 5,140
979 Pwned Exploration 5,119
1678 Parapsychologist Exploration 5,092
1680 Geologist Exploration 5,092
1662 Dark Mystic Exploration 5,083
1767 The Cleanser Achievement 5,015
1525 Negotiator Accomplishment 5,004
1989 Giant Killer Defeats 4,998
1663 Seeker of the Unknown Exploration 4,983
1995 Spellbinding Defeats 4,978
1681 Backwoodsman Exploration 4,940
1619 Authority History 4,923
1664 Cairn Warder Exploration 4,914
1590 Finder Defeats 4,897
509 Bomb Specialist Defeats 4,891
1993 Pumpkin Master Defeats 4,876
64 Anathema Gladiator 4,871
1534 The Doctor's Ally Accomplishment 4,866
39 Gunner PVP 4,845
246 King Maker Exploration 4,830
388 Rescuer Accomplishment 4,826
1657 Destined for Valhalla Exploration 4,823