Low-Hanging Fruit Report for Chief Purple Wolf

This report excludes certain badges, such as event-specific (Valentine's Day, Halloween), and Veteran rewards

SetTitle Badge Art Badge Name Badge Type Count
786 Recognized Architect Entertainment 23,011
131 Wolf Spider Enforcer Gladiator 10,059
175 The Next Big Thing Exploration 8,923
122 Wolf Spider Tac Ops Gladiator 8,681
53 Spider Smasher Defeats 8,260
983 Controversial Exploration 8,118
56 The Mongoose Defeats 8,052
668 Origin of Power Accomplishment 7,584
102 Night Widow Gladiator 7,001
978 Wentworth History Buff Exploration 6,689
176 Widower Exploration 6,441
1002 Spanky's Competitor Exploration 5,661
172 Snake Charmer Exploration 5,633
76 Cobra Gladiator 5,617
245 Global Guardian Exploration 5,616
202 Jail Bird Exploration 5,580
1159 Streetwise Accomplishment 5,578
1019 Forward Thinker Exploration 5,553
747 Gunrunner Day Jobs 5,314
985 Dirty Attorney Exploration 5,277
1162 Tested the Water Accomplishment 5,256
980 Man of Vengeance Exploration 5,230
1088 Civic Minded Exploration 5,201
1766 Hydra Stomper Accomplishment 5,140
979 Pwned Exploration 5,119
1001 Overtime Worker Exploration 5,061
746 Cannon Fodder Day Jobs 5,053
173 Chum Exploration 5,023
1767 The Cleanser Achievement 5,015
1011 Losing Paradise Exploration 5,013
1000 Bridge Holder Exploration 4,993
974 Galactic Fan Exploration 4,986
984 Pet Project Exploration 4,981
1160 Well Informed Accomplishment 4,914
182 Scurvy Dog Exploration 4,909
246 King Maker Exploration 4,830
171 Cesspool Exploration 4,823
164 Egghead Exploration 4,820
1179 Grass Is Meaner Achievement 4,812
976 Orion's Belt Exploration 4,805
1161 Inquisitor Accomplishment 4,795
975 Eye of the Gemini Exploration 4,787
745 Arachnos Traitor Day Jobs 4,785
9 Plague Carrier Accomplishment 4,756
163 Media Junky Exploration 4,737
174 Fortified Exploration 4,731
1004 Air Lifter Exploration 4,719
766 Blockade Runner Accolade 4,702
46 Risk Taker PVP 4,676
940 Big Spider Exploration 4,659