Low-Hanging Fruit Report for liI Devil

This report excludes certain badges, such as event-specific (Valentine's Day, Halloween), and Veteran rewards

SetTitle Badge Art Badge Name Badge Type Count
613 Chrononaut Exploration 16,073
890 Assassin Architect Entertainment 13,503
858 Workaholic Architect Entertainment 12,475
804 Poor Impulse Control Architect Entertainment 10,661
56 The Mongoose Defeats 8,052
870 Extractor Architect Entertainment 7,495
1992 Cap Buster Defeats 7,389
1603 Isolator Defeats 7,117
1965 Role Model Achievement 6,415
1994 Bane of Dannan Defeats 5,962
245 Global Threat Exploration 5,616
1966 Epitome Achievement 5,595
202 Jail Bird Exploration 5,580
1978 Cabalist Accomplishment 5,545
880 Destructive Architect Entertainment 5,543
1698 Ace Exploration 5,456
1598 Master of Olympus Defeats 5,439
747 Smuggler Day Jobs 5,314
1162 Tested the Water Accomplishment 5,256
848 Heroic Architect Entertainment 5,243
1088 Civic Minded Exploration 5,201
1592 Gravedigger Defeats 5,200
1766 Hydra Stomper Accomplishment 5,140
1721 Not On My Watch Achievement 5,134
1041 Rule of Three Accomplishment 5,058
746 Arachnos Agent Day Jobs 5,053
1767 The Cleanser Achievement 5,015
1989 Giant Killer Defeats 4,998
1995 Spellbinding Defeats 4,978
1160 Well Informed Accomplishment 4,914
1590 Finder Defeats 4,897
1967 Paradigm Achievement 4,891
1993 Pumpkin Master Defeats 4,876
64 Anathema Gladiator 4,871
246 King Maker Exploration 4,830
9 Plague Carrier Accomplishment 4,756
1990 Pumpkin King Defeats 4,721
766 Profiteer Accolade 4,702
1615 Zookeeper Defeats 4,694
1566 Fixer Achievement 4,678
46 Most Wanted PVP 4,676
492 Lifesaver Exploration 4,517
490 Trespasser Exploration 4,516
493 Under Fire Exploration 4,500
491 Powerful Exploration 4,494
1586 Kill Skuls Defeats 4,457
1593 Hellspawned Defeats 4,439
1042 Dam Villain Accomplishment 4,411
494 Base Jumper Exploration 4,334
247 Road Raged Exploration 4,333