Low-Hanging Fruit Report for Invincible Prey

This report excludes certain badges, such as event-specific (Valentine's Day, Halloween), and Veteran rewards

SetTitle Badge Art Badge Name Badge Type Count
1891 Tempered Through Fire Accolade 12,725
131 Wolf Spider Enforcer Gladiator 10,059
508 Sentry Defeats 9,040
175 The Next Big Thing Exploration 8,923
122 Wolf Spider Tac Ops Gladiator 8,681
56 The Mongoose Defeats 8,052
499 Asunder Exploration 7,876
1582 Paragon Achievement 7,526
1570 Entangled Achievement 7,223
1603 Isolator Defeats 7,117
102 Night Widow Gladiator 7,001
1517 Sister Psyche's Comrade Badge Accomplishment 6,987
395 Big Time Exploration 6,964
1519 Manticore's Associate Accomplishment 6,816
500 Unabashed Exploration 6,587
84 Fungoid Gladiator 6,501
176 Widower Exploration 6,441
1965 Role Model Achievement 6,415
1518 Citadel's Assistant Accomplishment 6,401
1602 Protectorate Defeats 6,330
1524 Transmogrified Accomplishment 6,155
510 Chief Defeats 5,954
1943 Volunteer Firefighter Defeats 5,663
172 Snake Charmer Exploration 5,633
76 Cobra Gladiator 5,617
245 Global Guardian Exploration 5,616
1966 Epitome Achievement 5,595
202 Jail Bird Exploration 5,580
1159 Streetwise Accomplishment 5,578
360 King's Righteousness Exploration 5,485
747 Gunrunner Day Jobs 5,314
1162 Tested the Water Accomplishment 5,256
848 Heroic Architect Entertainment 5,243
1088 Civic Minded Exploration 5,201
1592 Gravedigger Defeats 5,200
1766 Hydra Stomper Accomplishment 5,140
1041 Rule of Three Accomplishment 5,058
746 Cannon Fodder Day Jobs 5,053
173 Chum Exploration 5,023
1767 The Cleanser Achievement 5,015
1989 Giant Killer Defeats 4,998
1160 Well Informed Accomplishment 4,914
182 Scurvy Dog Exploration 4,909
509 Bomb Specialist Defeats 4,891
1967 Paradigm Achievement 4,891
498 Scarred Exploration 4,865
39 Gunner PVP 4,845
246 King Maker Exploration 4,830
171 Cesspool Exploration 4,823
164 Egghead Exploration 4,820