Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Triumph
- Primary:
- Storm Summoning
- Secondary:
- Electrical Blast
- Ancillary:
- Electricity Mastery
- Influence:
- 987,334,697
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4820 days ago
Tempest Master
Character Bio
As a world class gymnast, Bjornen Eiriksen got to travel the world. On one trip to Sweden, Bjornen got separated from his travel group on a visit to a local glacier during a blizzard. Rather than dying that day, Bjornen was visited by three elder gods of the old Norse Mythos - Thor, Frey, and Freya. They each gave him some small control over the forces of the storm that raged around them and indicated that he would soon be called upong to fight the Dark Gods, led by the trickster god Loki. Bjornen returned, took the name Tempest Master, and is now learning how to use his abilities against the day that will soon come when not only his life but the very existance of his world will depend upon him.
Badge Tracking

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