Character Profile
- Level:
- 40
- Server:
- Infinity
- Primary:
- Dark Melee
- Secondary:
- Dark Armor
- Infamy:
- 49,596
- Experience:
- 9,071,311
- Last Seen:
- 4446 days ago
Player: Bodai
Character Bio
Alter-ego of Yurei Kusanagi, Croma is the virtual representation of her digital self. This form is taken any time she is going to perform some of her more un-savery activities such as hacking, covert-ghost diving, espionage, subterfuge, and similar activities. Protected by some of the best barrier programs and active firewalls, this class-A hacker has only been matched by the likes of the notorius Laughing Man and ill-understood Project 2501. Able to seem to dissapear right in front of opponents by hacking their eyesight....
Badge Tracking
Croma has collected 120 of 1461 badges.
120 verified badges.
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Recently Added Badges
120 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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