Character Profile
- Level:
- 17
- Server:
- Justice
- Primary:
- Ninja Blade
- Secondary:
- Energy Aura
- Experience:
- 81,113
- Last Seen:
- 4999 days ago
Character Bio
The following comes from an old scrap of newspaper kept on Rustblight's person, the word "vengeance" is scrawled accross this scrap in what looks to be blood, obscuring a large part of the article.
KINGS ROW, Paragon City, RI ? Vahzilok attacks are once again on the rise in the neighborhood. Many townsfolk have been killed, maimed or taken by the minions of Dr. Vazhilok. Heroes are trying to mount a resistance against... [section smudged beyond recognition] ...phanie Gardener. Gardener's husband and child, mourning the loss of their wife/mother declined to comment on the on-going situation."
All that is known of Rustblight is that he was once fully human, and that he volunteered to be turned into an Eidolon. Why any sane individual would do this... is unkown.
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