Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Union
- Primary:
- Energy Blast
- Secondary:
- Energy Manipulation
- Ancillary:
- Force Mastery
- Influence:
- 288,423,843
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4568 days ago
Character Bio
During a brutal mugging, Stefan McLeod was nearly killed by a gang of crazed Skulls with energy weapons. When they shot him, his mutation kicked in, allowing him to propel any item from his hands at lethal speeds and turning them into energy bolts in the process.
The first
thing that came to hand during the attack was a handful of loose change on the floor near him at the time and when he threw one at his attackers it acted like laser bullets, scaring off his attackers and wounding them in the process. Deciding to fight back against the muggers , he crafted his costume and decided to stick with loose coins as his amunition, although he will use whatever is needed if the situation calls for it. He now patrols the streets of Paragon City as The Coin, determined to rid the streets of low life criminals and their deadly weapons, but will fight any villain, anywhere he can.
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