Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Freedom
- Influence:
- 20,046,212
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 5006 days ago
Character Bio
For amateur wrestler Aaron Brighton, the future couldn't have been brighter. An
honor roll student with an upcoming wrestling scholarship his life certainly seemed
charmed. Until his mutant powers began to manifest. As his size and strength
increased, his I.Q. and memory skills dropped to compensate. Despairing, he went on
a rampage of random destruction through Galaxy City. And there he found
Cryptorchid. After a brief battle where Aaron learned he had a LONG way to go to
be truly dangerous, he was dragged to the enigmatic Professor Pyro. In his former
life the Professor was a neurosurgeon of some renown and he was able to at least
slow the progress of the damage to Fehlogh's brain. Cryptorchid then recruited him
to become one of the Twilght's Chosen. Now he happily bashs evil, because evil is
BAD. And he does it under the gargoyle name of....Fehlogh.
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