Character Profile

- Level:
- 36
- Server:
- Freedom
- Supergroup:
- Twilight's Chosen
- Primary:
- Invulnerability
- Secondary:
- Battle Axe
- Influence:
- 24,533,215
- Experience:
- 4,360,136
- Last Seen:
- 4907 days ago
The Legendary
Crimson Headsman
Character Bio
I should never have taken the Axe up against the Hellions. I was a janitor.. I was no hero. Yet they were hurting people and the museum was being robbed. It sat their on its pedastel calling me, demanding of me that I use it for its purpose, its destiny. To deal out Justice. When I took it up my body thickened, empowered. Energized with the souls of 1000 executioners summoned and bound in ancient Oranbega before the Fall I defeated the Hellions. Professor Pyro tells me as near as he can tell the Axe and I are now one. To take it away would kill me, and for me to deny what it wants would mean my death as well. So I deal Justice, I deal Pain, I deal Death where it is needful. Beware all those who would bring harm to the helpless. I come and with me rides Vengence.
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