Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Virtue
- Supergroup:
- Sentinels of Liberty and Right
- Primary:
- Invulnerability
- Secondary:
- Super Strength
- Influence:
- 43,327,918
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4806 days ago
The Precise Resolute
Lt. Nala Tredwells
Character Bio
{{Role Play friendly}}
Nala is a Ex-marine dispached to help with the paragon situation. Wanting to be more
individual then a common marine she added cat ears to her aug suit but this caused her to be hit upon by many a anthro. Growing agitated she began to hate anthros. Then when
she reached her 20th security level she recived a gift from a unknown admierer. Her tech
based aug suit having taken many a beating she tried the new one only to find herself
traped in the anotomically correct magical cat suit, and having instincts!
Try as she might the instinct, the cat in the suit, becoming more and more a part of her. She took a mate, the male wearer of the other suit and bore a litter, takin a bvreat to raise her family for over a year she has since returned to her duties but old friend might notice a difference in her personality. Has the cat won? Four year and counting traped in the catsuit has had a definity effect on her...
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