Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Defiant
- Primary:
- Umbral Blast
- Secondary:
- Umbral Aura
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 5065 days ago
Natasha Jet
Player: @doc m
Character Bio
A life long resident of Striga Isle, Natashas life changed one dark stormy night when her car left the road and she was critically injured. The accident was spotted by soliders of the Council and they took her to the Council Base on the island where she became aware of their plan to 'join' her with a Kheldian. Summoning what little strength she had left, she fought a desperate battle to resist the 'joining', but was unable to stop it and thus her life was saved. After recovering she broke out the Council Base and fled to safety elsewhere in Paragon, where she learnt to master her powers. She has found that because of her resistance during the 'joining' that she is unable to shapeshift into the Dark Nova or Dark Dwarf forms.
Badge Tracking

Natasha Jet has collected 6 of 1461 badges.
6 verified badges.
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