Character Profile
- Level:
- 39
- Server:
- Justice
- Primary:
- Plant Control
- Secondary:
- Storm Summoning
- Influence:
- 778,076
- Experience:
- 7,219,078
- Last Seen:
- 4668 days ago
Tropical Monsoon
Character Bio
Little, Phillipino, different. He was lost in the jungle as a baby, raised in the outlying areas by monkies. He learned to defend himself differently than they did, discovering new abilities as he did so. He saw other humans only rarely, and they saw him even more seldom. The monsoons and typhoons that ravaged his homeland rarely bothered him, he learned to bend them to his purposes, and he was happy. Until a raiding party from the Rogue Isles found him. He fought, but they eventually subdued him. He learned English under duress, and eventually escaped. But this time with a purpose and he found his way to Paragon City, a place he'd heard where men didn't hunt each other for sport. He hated his captors with a passion, and now hunts them ceaselessly.
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