Character Profile
- Level:
- 17
- Server:
- Freedom
- Primary:
- Storm Summoning
- Secondary:
- Archery
- Influence:
- 386,877
- Experience:
- 77,789
- Last Seen:
- 4861 days ago
Skye Blu
Player: RememberThe80's
Character Bio
Aja Blue was only 7 yrs old when her father was killed in the line of duty. Even then she was able to project a personal forcefield and blamed herself for not being able to protect him. As her powers matured, she requested training from GIFT. Her mother, horrified at the thought of losing her, fought her decision. She insisted that Aja remain at home and in school until 18. However, upon graduation, Aja moved to Galaxy City to pursue a career as a hero.
Badge Tracking
Skye Blu has collected 8 of 1461 badges.
8 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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8 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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