Character Profile
- Level:
- 31
- Server:
- Freedom
- Supergroup:
- The Paragon City Harmony Project
- Influence:
- 24,415,810
- Experience:
- 1,374,568
- Last Seen:
- 5390 days ago
The Majestic
Gorilla in the Midst
Character Bio
Chongo was a mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) brought to the Rogue Isles from Bwindi National Park in Uganda. He was brought here with thirteen others of his kind. ?Was? is an appropriate choice of words here, for he has been ?changed? by the scientific exploits of Dr. Funken Wagnalls, a mad scientist and wannabe fantasy author (he has sent multiple writings to many publishers, only to be blown off by those lesser than him ? but that?s another story).
Anyway, Chongo is the only remaining member of the specimens brought to the good doctor?s laboratory. He was subjected to many operations and enough different types of drugs and radiation to make him what he is today. Most of the research dealt with improving his intelligence. Multiple brain surgeries and gamma radiation blasted into specific lobes of his gray matter, created an intelligent being that developed a very complex moral compass, something that Dr. Wagnalls would soon come to find out.
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