Character Profile
- Level:
- 22
- Server:
- Virtue
- Infamy:
- 17,243,757
- Experience:
- 204,468
- Last Seen:
- 5360 days ago
Maura Winter
Character Bio
Arachnos Data File
Full Name: Maura Winters
Species: Human (Mutant)
Home: St. Martial.
Occupation: Former Comedian
Nationality: American
Bio Highlights:
-Known to have committed the Comedy Club Massacres, a series of killings from coast to coast in which 56 people literally died laughing.
-Extremely powerful psion, particularly in telepathy and psychokinesis.
-Able to easily dominate untrained minds.
-Constantly picking up surface thoughts and emotions from anyone near her.
-Generally very open with her mind - she almost 'broadcasts' her own surface thoughts to anyone 'listening,' and her mind is easy to read, as she doesn't maintain constant defenses.
-Her appearance varies slightly across multiple observers; each sees some features slightly toward their ideal - primarily eye color, skin tone, breast size, muscled or supple body, and so forth.
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