Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Freedom
- Primary:
- Sonic Attack
- Secondary:
- Energy Manipulation
- Ancillary:
- Force Mastery
- Influence:
- 2,560
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4820 days ago
Character Bio
Bellbird are between 10-12 in long. The body, tail, and wings of the male bellbird are uniformly chestnut-brown, its head white with a black eye-ring, eye-stripe, and bill. The female bellbirds are smaller and somewhat less striking in appearance. They are golden-brown across the back of the wings and tail with whitish streaking on the face, a buffy-streaked throat, and golden-brown streaking down the chest with pale-grey undertail coverts.
The bellbird is Famous for having one of the most unique and distinct vocalizations of any bird in its range.
Because of the secretive behavior of this bird, it is often only detected by its distinctive bell-like call given by the males. At close range, the vocalization is heard as a complex three-part song, the final "bonk" giving the bird its name. This hollow, wooden "bonk" is thought to be among the loudest bird calls on Earth, audible to humans from over half a mile away.
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