Character Profile
- Level:
- 19
- Server:
- Protector
- Supergroup:
- Company of the Shattered Tower
- Primary:
- Radiation Blast
- Secondary:
- Mental Manipulation
- Influence:
- 188,834
- Experience:
- 119,514
- Last Seen:
- 5345 days ago
Character Bio
He might be a rotting corpse of a zombie. He might be an ancient warlock schooled in such dark arts as demonology, sacrificial ritual, necromancy, and soul capture. He might be the embodiment of all that is wicked and evil in this world. But mostly, he's just lonely. Once you get to know him, he's really a nice walking aberration of nature.
Zygor is around thirty-six hundred years old. You'd think this would make him wise and intelligent, but since he spent most of that time in a mausoleum learning how to bend evil and darkness to his will in order to dominate the minds of men and hurl bolts of absolute destruction at them, he didn't get out much. He's also, obviously, not much of a people person, but he really wants to be. He might not understand why, exactly, people flee from him, but it hurts his feelings.
Those are the times he gets angry and blasts something.