Character Profile
- Level:
- 20
- Server:
- Virtue
- Influence:
- 410,447
- Experience:
- 140,479
- Last Seen:
- 5755 days ago
Player: @CentralNexus
Character Bio
Name: Kenneth Wuerefele
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
A normal teenager until he began a startling metamorphosis. His hair fell out, and growths covered his eyes. It wasn't long before it was obvious they were becoming insect in nature. Antenna and the beginnings of mandibles followed soon afterward.
GIFT stepped in and helped Kenneth to adapt. Beyond the outward changes he learned to control earth. On suggestion, he filed as a hero and became Mud-Dauber.
Badge Tracking
Mud-Dauber has collected 0 of 1461 badges.
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