Character Profile
- Level:
- 39
- Server:
- Liberty
- Supergroup:
- The Knights of Aragon
- Primary:
- Empathy
- Secondary:
- Psychic Blast
- Influence:
- 450,693
- Experience:
- 7,748,010
- Last Seen:
- 5464 days ago
The Magnificent Fabulous
Sally Jensen
Player: @Aragon the Bold
Character Bio
You may have seen her husband Smoke running around Paragon City fighting
crime. Sally has been dedicated to her man ever since before they were married. Sally is a former school teacher, but learned the healing arts to help her husband stay alive while fighting crime and putting those that need it in jail. Sally believes in her husband's creed that every living thing should have a chance to live free.
((Don't let the skirt fool you. This toon is for themed purposes only.))
Badge Tracking
Sally Jensen has collected 0 of 1461 badges.
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