Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Virtue
- Primary:
- Robotics
- Secondary:
- Traps
- Ancillary:
- Soul Mastery
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4649 days ago
Izza Trap
Player: SynapseOverload
Character Bio
"You've been tried by 12 good men who have said you were guilty. Time will pass and seasons will come and go.
"Spring, with its wavin' green grass on every hill and every dale.
"Then sultry summer, with her shimmering heat waves on the baked horizon.
"And fall, with her yeller harvest moon, and the hills growing brown and gold under the sinking sun.
"And finally, winter, with the land mantled with snow.
"But, you won't be here to see any of 'em, not by a damn sight, because it's the order of this court that you be took to the nearest tree and hanged by the neck till you're dead, you lyin, rustlin', son of a billy goat."
-- Judge Roy Bean
Badge Tracking

Izza Trap has collected 630 of 1461 badges.
630 verified badges.
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630 verified badges.
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