Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Virtue
- Primary:
- Umbral Blast
- Secondary:
- Umbral Aura
- Influence:
- 104,917,275
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4559 days ago
Ares Enyalius
Player: @Seidooryuu
Character Bio
Light cannot exist without generating shadows. Shadows cannot exist without the light. We are of both, and yet neither. As we were, individually, we were not any more or less remarkable than any others of our kinds. Combined, we are akin to a god.
I was once a mercenary, selling my strength to the highest bidder. My Kheldian half, Erebos, was Nictus, seeking to defect and leave that path behind. He sought sanctuary. I sought power. Together, each aids the other, and we work together toward our shared goal: that those who have the strength to protect others are morally obligated to do so.
Badge Tracking

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403 verified badges.
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