Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Freedom
- Supergroup:
- Jayemdae Protectorate
- Primary:
- Fire Blast
- Influence:
- 69,032,368
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 5507 days ago
Jakob Mishra
Character Bio
During the Jayemdae wars the brothers Urza and Mishra found themselves at odds with each other and started a war that would end all. Urza with his Stygian warmachines and mechanical abberations gained a foothold in the realm of planes, threatening the barrier that keeps each plane of existence from collapsing . Mishra, who swore never to use eldritch magics, summoned a powerful artifact called Nevinnyral's Disk and activated it wiping all traces of magics and automatons from their plane. Mishra however escaped the destruction by escaping through a portal . 10 years past, present day Paragon City, a direct descendant of Mishra named Jakob Eldrenn discovered the disk, which magically appeared out of nowhere. Sensing its great power he immediately erected a barrier and removed any magical traces of it, lest it would be found and used for evil. Mishra sensed the honor and noble-heart of Jakob trained him in the Eldritch Arts and finally assumed the mantle- Planeswalker.
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