Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Virtue
- Supergroup:
- Galactic Shield
- Influence:
- 4,891,486
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 5521 days ago
The Legendary Ominous
Character Bio
Born with the given name of William David... reborn as Barabeast, the Year of Our Lord 2050. "The Beast lies within," that's all he remembers of his encounter with the mysterious Marginal before he placed him in the portal and told him farewell and good luck. Now years in the past, the truth still unknown to him, using technology not of this time with abilities still untapped, he continues to seek answers, yet finding nothing but more questions. Day by day, learning new ways to control and master this dark gift... this curse. He wonder's about the darkness inside him, however, his ability to help and aid others gives him hope of a better tomorrow, the yesterday he hopes will never come....... "Answer's must be found and dammit I'M GOING TO FIND THEM, NO MATTER WHO OR WHAT GET'S IN MY WAY!" "Let the Beast that lies within, come forth!"
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