Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Virtue
- Primary:
- Ice Blast
- Secondary:
- Kinetics
- Patron:
- Dark Mastery
- Infamy:
- 12,400,779
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4724 days ago
Player: KinThalas
Character Bio
One glass too much can change your life...
A few years ago Kyle would've shrugged this off. Who cares what other people say? If you're young life is just great and you're invincible.
Well, almost. After a bad fight with his girlfriend she left him and Kyle tried to get over it in a bar. After the barkeeper threw him out he stumbled down the road, yelling and singing and annoying bypassers. Bad luck was that he annoyed the wrong guys, which just robbed a bank. They didn't find the drunken boy amusing and neither did the Cops...
After a year Kyle took the chance on the big breakout off the Ziggursky prison and started a new life on the Rogue Isles.
If he ever gets the chance to go back, no one knows.
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