Character Profile
- Level:
- 31
- Server:
- Virtue
- Primary:
- Dual Blades
- Secondary:
- Electric Armor
- Influence:
- 5,080,832
- Experience:
- 1,444,666
- Last Seen:
- 5106 days ago
Eliactra Twin Blade
Character Bio
Born Marie Antoinette LeBlanc in Paris, France, Eliactra was trained in fencing at a young age, her parents thought it would help her become more Disciplined since she was really not the most well behaved girl when she was little. And it worked, she became calmer and happier, even started focusing more on her studies. It allowed her to do wonderfully in school, perhaps the fencing sort of helped her burn off extra energy and steam so she didn't have a reason to misbehave. After graduating highschool she went to college study archeology, it was a bit of a passion of hers, and she wanted to be an archeologist, something about relics of the past was so awesome to her. On one dig after college, she found something, an ancient artifact that upon touching it caused lightning to strike the artifact and then pushed that current to her, which gave her the electrical power she has now. Thus Maria became Eliactra Twin Blade.
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