Character Profile
- Level:
- 8
- Server:
- Freedom
- Primary:
- Spines
- Influence:
- 124,277
- Experience:
- 6,607
- Last Seen:
- 5581 days ago
Homeless Vengance
Character Bio
I first started dabbling in black magic as a teenager, disgruntled with how my peers treated me I began the quest to create a Vengance Golam. First I found a homeless boy who I began fallowing, documenting all of his movements. When I knew his pattern well enough I set my plan into action. In one of the abandond buildings I set fire traps and sealled the exits save for the one He uses. When He came into the building that night to settle into slumber I set fire to key places to maximize the smoke. The plan was to kill the boy in his sleep from smoke inhailation to use his body to be the body of the Vengance Golam. Something went wrong however and he woke up. A window wall devider exploded evicerating him with glass and he lay helpless as the fire consumed him. It was my fault and now this is the last any one shall hear from me. My creation has come for me.
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