Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Union
- Primary:
- Illusion Control
- Secondary:
- Empathy
- Ancillary:
- Primal Forces Mastery
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4912 days ago
Character Bio
From birth, Oskar Kwizjykz had always loved mushy peas. Virtually every meal would be accompanied by them... except for the meals where they were the main part!
He didn't know that the inferior food colourant used in the only mushy peas his poor hungarian parents could afford was to cause irreparable changes to his body...
Almost overnight, at the age of 10, his skin adopted the hue of the food dye and he found he had the ability to manipulate mens minds... in a similar way to the illusion the dye creates that mushy peas are enjoyable.
Using his odd looks and new-found skills, Oskar found work in a travelling circus cum freak show, growing a mohawk to look weird! After defending the circus from an attack by militant dwarf-rights activists, Oskar realised that he had been granted his abilities to create good in the world.
There was a new name that crime would learn to fear, even if it never learnt to pronounce it properly!
That name was Qyzyx...
(And it's pronounced like Quiz - icks ;-) )
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