Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Virtue
- Primary:
- Spines
- Secondary:
- Super Reflexes
- Ancillary:
- Body Mastery
- Influence:
- 1,345,087,337
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4592 days ago
Character Bio
A daughter of Eve in form only - an Angel. Her wings, set six pair, frenzy at speeds imperceivable to the human eye. Only in battle, when they fracture and shard, when her spar-plucked bones spindle into enemy flesh is she fully revealed.
Current terrestrial wanderings are penance for entertaining a losing battle of head to heart. Ever charitable and partially reponsible, the cupid Eros pardoned the offense, the rogue angel and her love of a "mere mortal" by casting her down. Fell-struck but not slain.
Though years rush on and the paramour's death became her first lesson. As well his subsequent incarnations, shrouded from her by the Hand of the Firmament as condition of tenative reinstatement. Her longing, amber tombed like insect wings left unclaimed of seasons Dust and Decay, now fuels lonely days spent in service of the last great City which history will surely claim.
"For there is nothing lost, but may be found, if sought." - The Faerie Queene, Book V Canto II
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