Character Profile

- Level:
- 42
- Server:
- Victory
- Supergroup:
- Legion of Valor
- Primary:
- Earth Control
- Secondary:
- Empathy
- Ancillary:
- Stone Mastery
- Influence:
- 10,037,602
- Experience:
- 14,053,022
- Last Seen:
- 5482 days ago
Hart of Stone
Character Bio
H'ahrt has lived a long time on the green planet. She looks human?almost. Until you look closely at her skin and see the marble-like veining running through it that ebbs and flows as you watch. Or you happen to bump her in passing and feel how cold and hard she is?like stone. Her eyes are not?quite?human. Having spent so many millennia on Earth, she has always allied herself amongst those seeking truth and justice. In this time, she has even revealed small secrets to those in the Legion of Valor. They know she came from another planet and has been here for a very long time. She has also revealed to them that she feels at home on this rocky planet and has even taken the mystical name of the Hart as her symbol on Earth. All of her kind has the power to mold stone to their will, but she was also gifted with empathy for any living thing. Her alien ways have never left her after all her time amongst humanity and there's something frightening behind those eyes?
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