Character Profile

- Level:
- 26
- Server:
- Triumph
- Primary:
- Night Widow Training
- Secondary:
- Widow Teamwork
- Infamy:
- 2,234
- Experience:
- 455,251
- Last Seen:
- 4486 days ago
Malus Deathbite
Character Bio
Malus casandra was always a bad girl she would take boys out only to leav ethem dead in a ally way while shi licked hir lips, this lead to her nickname deathbite she enjoyed the thrill of killing young men prey to her fangs....literally since she had decided to undergo genetic augmentations to her body. Gene splicing was not uncommon and she liked the idea of being a deadly cat, while it may seem strange now that she works in arachnos she still likes to live by her old ways. Working with arachnos has infact provided her the skills and abilitys that she would never had had normally and its a great way for her to live the life she enjoys, giving the kiss of death to her enemies. Some say that the reason for her secluded lifestyle killing whoever she takes is like a black widow not caring for settleing down or love it's the thrill of the kill, it excites her. She has made a big name of herself in arachnos very few want to work with her out of fear she will give them the kiss of death like so many others.
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