Character Profile

- Level:
- 32
- Server:
- Triumph
- Primary:
- Earth Control
- Secondary:
- Storm Summoning
- Influence:
- 63,824
- Experience:
- 1,782,218
- Last Seen:
- 4486 days ago
Character Bio
Grazolas is the Elder of two ancient dragons who more than a thousand years ago went to sleep it took him a bit to get his brother to sleep aswell. They share the same mother who was a Dragon of the earth his father however was a North Dragon of Wind in this way Grazolas bares both the powers of earth and wind commanding the elements to his will he entraps foes in earth and disorients with the wind and the sharp sting of lightning. In this time Grazolas and his brother were awakened by a terrible darkness that seems to strong for humankind the dragons long ago served to protect mankind and when man stopped beliving in them they felt their time was over and slept. Now though it seems the darkness has forced them to come back and mankind seems to not only belive again but also fights it. In his belif he wanted to watch mankind a bit while his brother waits, hes spent some time among humans now that he feels connected to them but it's best not to anger a ancient dragon you may find your head bitten off "Grins".
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