Character Profile

- Level:
- 32
- Server:
- Triumph
- Primary:
- Kinetic Melee
- Secondary:
- Super Reflexes
- Influence:
- 0
- Experience:
- 1,764,121
- Last Seen:
- 4487 days ago
Boom Shacalaca
Character Bio
He was a hunter in the lands of africa who prided himself on his method he did not like killing his prey he hated the idea of hunting to kill. he prefered hunting for the thrill where once he caught his prey he would tag the creature and let it go. However he cared about animals alot so when cheetahs he had tagged before were attacked by a poacher he immediatly set out to hunt the hunter. It lead him to a village that was assulted by the man and a group of evil shamens who had wanted to use the cheetah as a sacrifice they fought till the end of the night. As Shacron layed on the ground dead the good shamens there saw fit to give back to him life by fusing the cheetahs spirit with his own body it caused his body to change but gave him a second chance. he came with a load of animals from africa that were taken to the paragon city zoo only to find the same shamen group he fought was here in massive numbers. he decided taking up arms in this city to remove the evil and protect this world he was revived in.
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