Character Profile

- Level:
- 33
- Server:
- Triumph
- Primary:
- Beast Mastery
- Secondary:
- Sonic Resonance
- Influence:
- 0
- Experience:
- 2,181,929
- Last Seen:
- 4487 days ago
Guardian Mia
Character Bio
Mia Uhara was very spiritual and has a rich Native American Heritage and she respects that Heritage by visitng special places that her ancestors came from. She also have a fondness for animals in the wlld finding their company quite enjoyable, it was infact a trip to Yellowstone national park to investigate a pack of wolves she helped long ago that she would end up finding a cave with a ancient Native american village long since abbandond. Withen she found a Talisman of a far more ancient nature compard to the village and on touching it she was assualted by powerful spirits bringing her to their realm along with her guardian animal spirits they gave her the ability to summon those spirits to the physical world as manisfestations that could fight telling her aswell that soon the world would need her. She is also capable of changing into the aspect of the animals she summons. The spirits were right as she was in Galaxy when it was attacked, using her powers she decides to help fight the intruders with Friends
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