Character Profile

- Level:
- 35
- Server:
- Triumph
- Primary:
- Empathy
- Secondary:
- Psychic Blast
- Influence:
- 971,212
- Experience:
- 3,606,811
- Last Seen:
- 4487 days ago
Character Bio
Tiria Samana was a student in the steel canyon university for many years hoping to gain some form of enlightenment she had always admired hard work and concentration. She was most favored by Montegue Costanella who taught her much and she appreciated all that work. She always felt though he had other reasons for his attention it was something she felt deep down inside, this would then be known as to why when she was asked to go to Galaxy city to pick up something in the magi vault. The ibject in question was a beutiful sapphire gem and when she touched it the gem jumped to her forehead, all of a sudden she could feel everyone withen galaxy and the pain that was being inflicted by the shivan meteors. This powerful empathy to others granted also powerful psychic power. She realized then why She was asked to get this the gem was too precious to lose in this incident and she could use it to help others both to mend their wounds and to fight back against evils such as the shivans so she takes the name Empathira.
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