Character Profile

- Level:
- 25
- Server:
- Pinnacle
- Primary:
- Super Strength
- Secondary:
- Invulnerability
- Infamy:
- 8,470,092
- Experience:
- 377,039
- Last Seen:
- 4592 days ago
Player: @BattleStar
Character Bio
The problem with being muscle during robberies is that you never know exactly what you're going to be able to pocket in the chaos when someone's not watching. A worse problem is not being fluent in the languages that explain what an item is when on display. Sometimes it works out, other times, things tend not to mix very well. I wound up being one of those middle grounds, being almost indestructible and able to destroy pretty much anything on which I can lay my hands. The downside is knowing that eventually I'll wind up serving as a vessel for a magical creature whose only goal is to leave everything in its path as a pile of rubble or soft oozing puddles. Maybe this isn't such a downside afterall...
Badge Tracking

Cestusian has collected 89 of 1461 badges.
89 verified badges.
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89 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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