Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Freedom
- Primary:
- Luminous Blast
- Secondary:
- Luminous Aura
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4611 days ago
Transcendent One
Character Bio
In the beginning there were 5 races amongst the Universe. One of them was the Anhgelia, or as known in modern mythos and religion "Angels". These beings have thrived for millennia traveling through space and time itself. Sometime during the Earth's 19th Century one of the Anhgelia discovered a war torn world, in the Milky Way galaxy incapable of sustaining itself. Deciding to use his infinite cosmic powers he settled on Earth as the hero named Saphireon, and resigned his immortality. During the 21st Century a group of beings known as Kheldians came to Earth, offering a symbiotic relationship, an opportunity to harness light itself as a combatant to evil. When Kilghern the Kheldian symbiot and Saphireon joined The Transcendent One was born.
Transcendent One's suit is actually a cosmic fabric that can open a wormhole through it's map to the Kheldian original home world.
Created: 1/4/2005
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