Character Profile
- Level:
- 25
- Server:
- Protector
- Primary:
- Street Justice
- Secondary:
- Super Reflexes
- Influence:
- 325,648
- Experience:
- 426,885
- Last Seen:
- 4520 days ago
Character Bio
Joseph Redd's elder brother was the family overachiever. His younger half-brother was the hot headed "problem child". Sometimes Joe seemed to get lost in the middle.
That was not a problem though. While his brothers answered the call to become heroes Joe was happy running his gadget shop in Galaxy City.
Then the meteors came.
Joe crawled from the rubble that once was his home and business to find the streets filled with aliens. A Welsh man who had been browsing remote controlled helicopters suddenly turned into a man sized bird and the world seemed to have gone crazy.
The bird man dove straight into battle and Joe found himself following.
When the dust settled he found himself amongst the heroes being evacuated from Galaxy although but for a toss of the bird man's coin he could have been heading for the Rogue Isles instead.
Joe never wanted to be a hero but chance seemed to have taken him that way. Taking the name Odds-on he resolved to follow this path until chance or fate took him in another dir
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