Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Justice
- Primary:
- Demon Summoning
- Secondary:
- Time Manipulation
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4649 days ago
Synchronized Daemon
Character Bio
[NPC] Dillo: *hoorgb* We will introduce the spidery ones to our digit-groupings!
[NPC] Dillo: The one called Dillo has become uninterested in your structural integrity.
[NPC] Dillo: *hoorgb* Prepare for posterior repercussion!
[NPC Introduction of Master Midnight]
Sweeping cape motion, 'whoosh!' Cue lightning flash and a clap of thunder, 'Crash-boom!' Then the choir, 'Ah Ah Ah! Ah! Ah Ah Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh! AAAAAAH!'
I am the Magnificent Master Midnight... ...and I am Master of the Midnight Mast... er... s...
Wow, that sounded way better in my head. Irrelevent! I have come to save the world and the delicate wallflower of love that is my Diabolique. My beautiful, delightful, sensitive, caring Diabolique, who has been taken by, by... by that equally striking, seductive, cunning, and enchanting vixen, Sorceress Serene!
[NPC] Master Midnight: You DARE defile my inner sanctum with your muddy shoes and obsession with PUNCHING!?
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