Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Protector
- Primary:
- Broad Sword
- Secondary:
- Super Reflexes
- Patron:
- Body Mastery
- Infamy:
- 129,461,458
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4618 days ago
Broken Prey
Player: BrokenPrey
Character Bio
Being one of the only preys to not have any powers, he ran away from home to find a new life, but he found more then that. he was almost killed by the Rikti but before he died his cousin mortal(lvl 50 min/emp) found him but couldn't bring him back to full health, so she brought him back to hero corp to fix him. They did just that and more and give him super reflexes. With his new found power he learnd the art of the borad sword.
Badge Tracking

Broken Prey has collected 1137 of 1461 badges.
1137 verified badges.
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