Character Profile
- Level:
- 37
- Server:
- Virtue
- Primary:
- Dual Pistols
- Secondary:
- Time Manipulation
- Influence:
- 25,682,549
- Experience:
- 5,568,768
- Last Seen:
- 4754 days ago
Character Bio
2065 - my past, possibly still your future. Project Cerberus was meant to protect Earth from threats that originated from unconventional temporal vectors. The three-headed watchdog guarding against the Past, Present and Future. Of course, concentrating the lot of us together and giving us our own command structure wound up spooking our 'fearless leader' real quick. "Who watches the watchmen" y'know? Guess he thought one of us might go back and null him when he was a kid or something, before he could become... well, hopefully you won't have to find out.
Wish I'd had the idea when I still had access to the project's gear, honestly. Without amplification, I can only rewind a few seconds. I don't know how many of the others survived, if any. Some of our own must have been in on it, because the purge was executed using our techniques; isolating agents in inescapable paradox loops, removing evidence from having ever existed, that sort of thing. Real pros.
But they did leave a trail..
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