Character Profile

- Level:
- 39
- Server:
- Exalted
- Primary:
- Sonic Resonance
- Secondary:
- Radiation Blast
- Influence:
- 72,498,926
- Experience:
- 7,901,215
- Last Seen:
- 4499 days ago
Player: CrimsonCapacitor
Character Bio
Young council recuit had his throat and voicebox torn out by a Warwolf. His mentor saved his life by some quick surgery utilizing a sonic blaster and a vampyri chamber. the warwolf was quickly dispatched, much to the anger of the Archon. The Archon then murdered the mentor, just as Amplifer was exiting the chamber. Amplifier unleashed a sonic torrent, collapsing the tunnel. He's sworn to destroy the council and 5th column, but is having trouble letting go of his past.
Badge Tracking

Amplifier has collected 151 of 1461 badges.
151 verified badges.
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151 verified badges.
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