Character Profile
- Level:
- 27
- Server:
- Virtue
- Primary:
- Spines
- Secondary:
- Willpower
- Influence:
- 197,179
- Experience:
- 578,425
- Last Seen:
- 4792 days ago
Critical Spike
Player: Jirodyne
Character Bio
Hi! I'm Spike. I used to live in a library, that was built inside of a tree, with a beautiful creature name Twilight. However, Twilight, being the most powerful magic user ever, accidently caused an accident that sent me into this world. I am trying to find my way back to her, but this world is so strange. I don't know how long it will take, but I WILL get back!
Badge Tracking
Critical Spike has collected 35 of 1461 badges.
35 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
Recently Added Badges
35 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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