Character Profile
- Level:
- 6
- Server:
- Justice
- Primary:
- Radiation Blast
- Secondary:
- Darkness Manipulation
- Experience:
- 4,629
- Last Seen:
- 4830 days ago
Player: @Thirty-Seven
Character Bio
Infected. Infused by it. Imprisoned with it. And yet, it has freed us.
What some might call a curse was visited upon this body while we stayed in First Ward among the folks called 'The Dregs.' This 'curse' gave our blood a life of its own... and it whispers to us constantly. It yearns to break free of this body, and yet it requires it to survive.
With it, we have the ability to project our blood as a weapon... a weapon that has a mind of its own... a will! Still, though, it obeys us, for it hungers for carange, and carnage is what we ask of it.
Together we are Bloodspore, apart, we are both nothing.
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